The Theory
Manifestation some may say it’s a waste of time, others swear by it. So, what is manifestation I hear you ask? What can you “create” for yourself?
To manifest something means to make something a reality by believing you can achieve them. It can be a goal, a dream, a desire. The idea is that by believing you can do something and focusing your thoughts and energy in that direction, you can make it happen.
For instance, instead of thinking “This is my dream holiday, but I’ll never be able to afford it,” changing your thought process to “This is my dream holiday, and I will work hard so I can enjoy it one day,”. You can apply this to any area of your life, career, family, friendships, relationships, the list is endless.
Ultimately, manifestation is based on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction and I realised early on that we are already doing it within our day to day lives just without the hash tag applied to it.
In essence, manifestation is strongly believing that you can achieve your goals. This belief can help you work toward your goals and overcome any fears or self-doubt that may hold you back, or worse, keep you from even trying.
Although there are no guarantees, you have a much greater chance at success if you believe you can do something and set your mind to accomplishing it. For instance, if you are genuinely interested in something, you will probably read or learn more about it. You may even join groups related to it. study in it. People with similar interests will recognise your enthusiasm for it. You will build a network of connections around it. Therefore, if there are any opportunities to be had in this space, you are more likely to discover them than someone who has no knowledge or interest in it. Have you ever noticed that if you restrict something, say “I’m not going to eat chocolate this month”, you see it all the more? Its the same but in reverse!
These are six manifestation techniques that can help you achieve what you want in life.
1. Practice Visualisation
Research shows us that picturing your goals helps you achieve them.
You can do this every morning when you wake up. Knowing you’re working toward your goals can help motivate you to get through the day. Or, you can do it before you go to bed at night and reflect upon what you did that day to help you get closer to your goals.
2. Create a Vision Board
You can create a vision board where you pin up images and notes about your goal. It can be physical or digital. For example, if you’re working toward your dream home, you can start pinning up ideas for the location, rooms, decor, and landscaping. Pinning things to your vision board can help make the goal feel more tangible. It can be a visual reminder of your goals, which can motivate you.
3. Maintain a Future Box
Also known as a vision box, wish box, manifestation box, or intention box, a future box is a place where you can store materials related to your goal. You can take an empty box, decorate it if you like, and start collecting things there.
For example, if you’re saving up for your dream holiday, you can buy small items that you would carry on your trip and store them in the box. Or, if you’re trying to conceive a child, you can write a letter to your future child and keep it in the box.
4. Try the 3-6-9 Method
The 3-6-9 method involves repeating or writing down your goals:
3 times in the morning
6 times in the afternoon
9 times in the evening
Repeating your goals multiple times a day can help you stay focused on them.
5. Practice the 777 Method
The 777 method involves writing down what you would like to manifest seven times in the morning and seven times at night, for seven days in a row.
Like the 3-6-9 method, this method also helps you focus on your goals every day. It may be more useful for short-term goals that you can achieve in a week or so, such as an assignment for work or a household project.
6. Make a 10-10-10 Worksheet
Take a piece of paper and list out:
10 things you desire.
10 things you’re grateful for.
10 things you enjoy doing.
Making this worksheet can help you create a big picture view of your goals, assets, and interests. It can improve your self awareness, help you understand how all the different pieces of your life interact, and promote positive thinking.
7. Keep a Journal
You can maintain a journal where you write down your dreams and goals. If you’re anxious about them, writing down your fears can help you identify your anxiety triggers so you can work on finding solutions. Update your journal regularly with notes of your progress.
What next?
I set myself a little challenge, one to take me out of my comfort zone just a little. I would spend 4 weeks actively manifesting and see what if anything had altered and how I was feeling.
Whilst the temptation was to manifest a money tree, I tried to keep it low key. I consider myself a realistic optimist!
I focused on practising visualisation and the 10-10-10 worksheet and here is what I discovered:
Taking time to visualise my goals and outcomes gave me greater clarity and focus on them. I felt more in tune with myself. It might sound corny, but I felt that I was justified in feeling certain things at points in time and giving myself that permission to embrace those feelings felt empowering and ultimately made me more focused on my goal.
If nothing else, envision my dreams made for pleasant thoughts and feelings through my day and improved my mood. There is nothing like picturing yourself living the life of your dreams to make you grateful for being able to be on the journey in the first place!
Lastly, and for me, most importantly, being able to release any doubts, fears, or limitations was a wonderful feeling. Confirming and reaffirming to myself that I am capable and confident and able to deliver on those goals, I believe made me more effective and provided opportunity which may not have come my way had I not been manifesting. Ultimately, I will never know, but as I see it positive thinking can’t do any harm!
What will you manifest for yourself?